You have access to the other fields of the row (from their names). Custom: You can define a javascript function that returns the content of the field.Lorem ipsum: A list of characters among those you have defined.The field will contain one of the words you have defined. So if you have a custom object you are trying to generate some random data for, this is perfect.
This ranges from standard fields such as First Name, Company, Email, to some pretty fun data types such as Car Make, Movie Title, or even Bitcoin Address. Furthermore, hand-created data is prone to our subconscious and systematic biases. Choice: You can define a word list (enter one word per line). In fact, Mockaroo has over 143 types of data. It is difficult to manually create realistic datasets of sufficient volume and variety (e.g., different data types, characteristics).Country code: A country code on two characters.Just put the name of the column in brace, example: (. Expression: A string containing values of the other columns of the row.Regular Expression: A random string that matches a given javascript regex.Date: A date drawn at random in the interval you define.Random (Float): A float drawn at random in the interval you define.In the selected row, enter the following function and press Enter: RAND () In the cell where you typed the function, you will see a random number. In your spreadsheet, select the row next to the first item on your list. Random (Integer): An integer drawn at random in the interval you define. To start the randomization process, first, open your spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel.Index: It is a self-incrementing field one by one.Format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

You can choose between different data type for the fields of your CSV / SQL table: